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Medina News

Annual Curbside Leaf Pick-up begins for 2020

Friday, October 16, 2020

Our Leaf pick-up program began during the week of October 19th.  The City has three vacuum trucks dedicated to this program, and they will each make multiple passes through your area.  The City will be divided north and south by Smith Road, and each truck will make multiple passes moving east to west.  The third truck will float through the City, working in areas where the volume of leaves is particularly heavy. Please rake your leaves to the tree lawn as soon as you can.  There is no way to predict the exact dates that the trucks will pass through your neighborhood. Please note that the current leaf map posted shows the sections of the City where the vacuum trucks have already been. If you missed it the first time the trucks went through, be assured that they will make multiple passes through all areas. 

The City makes every attempt to pick up all the leaves before the weather turns cold and covers them with snow and ice. The program will continue as weather permits.  Leaves that are covered with snow and ice cannot be picked up until they thaw, as the snow and ice damage the vacuum equipment.

The cooperation of every resident is essential for the program to be sucessful.  For more information on the program, call (330) 725-LEAF

To view the most current leaf map, click HERE.


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